I don't know much about having a blog but to me it seems a perfect way to disperse all those random thoughts that cause traffic jams in my head. I think i was born to blog. I have so many wayward thought. Its like a sold out show of thoughts in my mind, its very crowed in there and some of them are looking for the nearest emergency exit. THIS is a perfect outlet for me and i wonder why it is I'm just now realizing that. I guess i should take that as a sign that I'm sometimes slow. I'm glad to see that there is a spell check because that is a downfall for me and not something i am proud of but it doesn't bother me enough to do anything about it either.
As of right now i don't believe i will be sharing this blog with anyone so it will be just like talking to myself. I already do that way too much however this is different and may cure me of the going crazy and talking to myself all the time virus i seem to have picked up. I have always been one that talks to much come to think of it so is my sweet dd, maybe i should set up a place for her to blog too! Could you imagine the blog of an 11 yr old? I cant even begin to imagine the kind of nut job people would have taken me for when i was 11. She is more well rounded than i ever was at her age. I'm proud of that. Im proud of the fact that she has not been through all the bs i went through when i was her age.